or “wouldn’t it be funny if…,” are the most frequent and foundational questions I ask myself and collaborators on not only creative ideas, but as a way-of-life philosophy. Masked by it’s naïvety and innocence, it invites and nutures any ideas as opportunities without the pressure of it becoming a reality. The magic for me, however, is when you turn it into reality.
Born and raised in a predominantly Vietnamese community in Orange County, California, Brandon Dinh is a film editor pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film Production with an emphasis in editing at Chapman University’s Dodge College of Film and Media Arts. With a minor in Film Music and a background in visual effects, he uses the technical to guide his strong sense of rhythm and timing. He aims to work within the music video industry or a film trailer studio, ultimately transitioning into feature films and post-supervision to champion Asian-American narratives.
I became obsessed with exciting visuals with Adobe After Effects being the first-ever editing software I used and became comfortable with before I learned that simplistic, thoughtful, and rhythmic cuts, fades, and transitions could make an audience feel something just as much as a well-composited explosion or muzzle flash.
Today, I have embraced nostalgia and the fleeting nature of dreams—their rich symbolism often fading before we can fully grasp it. Through my work, I aim to capture that warmth and surreal vision to bring the stories of my community to life on the big screen.